
In comparison to previous years, I’d say 2022 felt like a swift breeze during a storm. It’s so fast yet a lot changed, for the better or worse.



Halo-halo, everything else, anything else, kahit ano, timpla, koleksyon ng mga piyesa’t ideya.


rails set·up

Right now, almost half of my career was spent writing PHP code in Laravel. It was my first encounter with the MVC world, I fell in love immediately and it was easy to build products with it. The joy of putting up a quick project within minutes by the use of artisan commands and rapid scaffolding generation was definitely hard to reject as a developer. Then, I met Ruby and the mature yet reliable Rails. I discovered that the Build a blog in 15 minutes wasn’t a well-known thing until DHH demonstrated how possible it is using a newly introduced web framework back in 2005. In this post, I’m going to share how a developer can spin up a fresh Ruby on Rails project with asdf in 2021.



I know that I’ve been only half myself lately, not admitting that I lost a lot of my drive this past year was a mistake. It just delayed the inevitable and I was hit with burnout.



It’s incredibly obvious to say, no one expected 2020 to become a wild ride for everyone. It has not been normal not only in terms of travelling but more especially for work. After having a variety of tech-related activities during the last quarter of 2019, I thought that I’ll be able to continue moving forward which will help me take my career to the next step but oh boy I was wrong.



A lot of things are a whole different to me and you now.


re·act and tail·wind

Recently, I’ve been having fun with writing front-end code using utility-first CSS frameworks instead of full-blown toolkit ones like Bootstrap and Bulma. It helps me build and customize my page components immediately without having to write my own CSS from scratch. After seeing the attention that Tailwind CSS is getting from different communities and platforms, I decided to try it in one of my personal projects. It made styling pages more fun because it’s so easy to use and the documentation is really intuitive.



I’m not a fan of the past, but this year’s end will be different. Here’s a look on the year that was.



On why I wasn’t able to write anything this past month.



This is a long post to compensate for a missed post last Sunday, enjoy!



“The minute you want to complain about something is the minute you should start peeking under the hood. You’re ready.” - Dan Abramov



It’s been a long time since I started this blog of mine. At first I thought I’ll have a consistent schedule when it comes to writing but as usual, I fail to meet my own estimations. It’s been a long time since I last wrote a post. Maybe it’s because I don’t really like the thought of people knowing what’s in my head. The reason being is that I love to be reserved or even discreet most of the times.


hel·lo world

To be honest, I don’t really know why did I end up setting up a blog all of sudden. As far as I know, I’m just good with reading blog posts not writing them.

I just want a good start, it’s my first year as a professional and I want to have a record of my soon to be colorful adventure. I’d like to write about my own experiences and hopefully you guys might pick something up from my posts. My goal is to inspire and motivate other youngsters like me. I’m not a genius in this field but at least I can still try and learn to be one.
